C# Operator Priority

C# operator priority describes the order in which operations are performed when a computer evaluates an expression. Operations with higher priority are performed first, and then operations with lower priority are performed. For example, we often say that multiplication and division are performed first, and then addition and subtraction operations are performed.

Priority Operator Name or meaning Usage form Combination direction Description
1 [] Array subscript Array name[integer expression] Left to right  
() Parenthesis (Expression)/Function name(parameter list)  
. Member selection (object) Object.Member name  
-> Member selection (pointer) Object pointer->Member name  
2 - Minus operator -Expression Right to left Unary operator
(type) Forced type conversion (data type) expression  
++ Increment operator ++variable name/variable name++ Unary operator
-- Decrement operator --variable name/variable name-- Unary operator
* Value operator *Pointer expression Unary operator
& Address of operator &Lvalue expression Unary operator
! Logical NOT Operator !Expression Unary Operator
~ Bitwise NOT Operator ~Expression Unary Operator
sizeof Length Operator sizeofExpression/sizeof(Type)  
3 / Division Expression/Expression Left to Right Binary Operators
* Multiplication Expression*Expression Binary Operators
% Remainder (Modulo) IntegerExpression%IntegerExpression Binary Operators
4 + Addition Expression+Expression Left to Right Binary Operators
- Subtraction Expression-Expression Binary Operator
5 << Left Shift Expression<<Expression Left to Right Binary Operator
>> Right Shift Expression>>Expression Binary Operator
6 > Greater Than Expression>Expression Left to Right Binary Operator
>= Greater Than or Equal To Expression>=Expression Binary Operator
< Less Than or Equal To Expression<=Expression Binary Operator
rowspan="2">7 == Equal to Expression==Expression Left to Right Binary Operator
!= Not Equal to Expression!=Expression Binary Operator
8 & Bitwise AND Integer Expression&Integer Expression Left to Right Binary Operator
9 ^ Bitwise XOR Integer Expression^Integer Expression Left to Right Binary Operator
10 | Bitwise OR Integer Expression|Integer Expression Left to Right Binary Operator
11 && Logical AND Expression&&Expression Left to Right Binary Operator
12 || Logical OR Expression||Expression Left to Right Binary Operator
13 ?: Conditional Operator Expression1?Expression2:Expression3 Right to Left Ternary Operator
14 = Assignment Operator Variable=Expression Right to Left  
/= Division of post-assigned value variable/=expression  
*= Multiplication of post-assigned value variable*=expression  
%= Modulo post-assigned value variable%=expression  
+= Addition of post-assigned value variable+=expression  
-= Subtract postfix value variable-=expression  
<<= Left shift postfix value variable<<=expression  
>>= Right shift postfix value variable>>=expression  
&= Bitwise AND postfix value variable&=expression  
^= Bitwise OR postfix value Variable^=expression  
|= Bitwise OR postfix value Variable|=expression  
15 , Comma operator Expression, expression,… Left to right Operate from left to right